A record is the what you can change by clicking "edit". From a single click of the "edit" button, you can modify every aspect of a single record. As soon as
you click another "edit", you will be editing a different record.
A record can take on four roles:
A product is a record that can be purchased because it has both a product number and a price.
A product can be considered as a sub-product when another record exists that has it selected as a sub-product. Sub-products appear in a comparison table
The super-product of a product serves the purpose of linking related products together. For example, there may be three tables for sale, and all have different prices because they are different sizes. However, they can all be described in the same way and ought to be listed together with a super-product.
See photo of Product page and Listings page.
Is created by the web application as a reference number and is not editable.
You must enter a product number if and only if the product has a valid price and can be purchased. Do not, for example, give a record a product number if it
is only designed to provide a description for several sub-products and the sub-products are not to be sold as a single unit
Will appear on Media Flex and ARIN sites
Will appear on the Bibliofiche site
Click "List in another category" to list the product in multiple categories. Setting a category to "All" and clicking "Refresh Listings" will discard a
category. Be sure that every company that the product belongs to has at least one of the selected category.
The picture uploaded will appear on the Product Page in its original size. Keep this in mind so as to not upload one that is too large.
Pictures uploaded are also resized to a set width to be used as thumbnails
There are no HTML restrictions here, although it is best to use absolute url referencing to pictures so dislocation will not break them. Keep in mind that
descriptions can be searched.
If this record is a sub-product, then enabling this will cause the description of the "parent" record to be added to the usual description when this product
is viewed on its own page.
If this record is a sub-product and its "parent" product has a photo, then enabling this will cause the photo of the "parent" record to be added to be shown
below the usual description when this product is viewed on its own page.
Usual wholesale price of the current product. (optional) By entering a markup percent and clicking "Calc. to USD" or "Calc. to CAD" the retail price can
easily be calculated, as clicking the button will place the new value in the appropraite price field.
This is the price at which clients can buy the current product for on ARIN and Bibliofiche.
This is the price at which clients can buy the current product for on the MediaFlex web site.
Indicates the number of things per price, for example "1000 sheets".
Indicates the number of things per price, for example "1000 feuilles".
Enter a quantity of products that have to be purchased and the percent discount that will be applied. For example, entering "10" and "20" respectively and
clicking "Add" will cause the shopping cart price to be discounted 20% if the client enters a quantity of 10 or more. Multiple bulk discounts are supported.
Enter the needed fields and clicking "Add" will add a possible color selection for the current product. One of these colors must be chosen by the client when
this product is added to the shopping cart. The color selected will not change the product's price.
A finish is basically the same as a color except that a thumbnail picture is shown rather than a colored square. The finish selected will not change the
product's price.
An option is also just like a color or finish option except that it could be for anything, such as "table leg length" (which would be an appropriate Title of
Note that the option selected will not change the product's price. If changing the option should result in a different price, then two separate records must
be made for each option, and then they can be joined as sub-products together under a single super-product description.
The dimensions are in the order Length, Width, Height. There is a button for easy conversion from imperial to metric and vice-versa. You may enter just one
variable, such as length for example and it will display like "length: 123 cm". This could be useful if used to describe something like a pencil. The
dimensions can be shown in a comparison table if the "show dimensions in comparison table" option is checked.
This value shows in the product page under details. It is automatically converted to kg for the Bibliofiche and ARIN web sites.
Optional data for administrator use
Optional data for administrator use
This message will be displayed to the client next to the order right after the client clicks "Checkout" from the shopping cart.
This message is displayed when an administrator views a customer's order made that contains this product.
If this record has some sub-products, the caption selected will show directly above the comparison table on the single product page.
Select this to show the comparison table (table containing all the sub-products) in the product listings.
Select this to show the comparison table (table containing all the sub-products) on the single product page
Select this to show the thumnail photos of the sub-products in the comparison table.
Select this to show the first 100 characters or so of the sub-products' descriptions and include them in their own column in the comparison table of this
Select this to show the dimensions of the sub-products' them in their own column in the comparison table of this product.
If you enter a heading (in the needed languages) and check "Include in comparison table", what you are doing is creating a new column in the comparison table
with the heading you just entered. To fill the in the data for the rest of the column do this: Click "Edit" for each sub-product of this record. At the
bottom of the "Comparison Table" section you will notice a new empty field that has the name of the heading you just entered before. Filling that field and
clicking "Refresh" will allow you to see how the comparison table will now look.
If this is not checked, you will not be able to see this product as a single-product page from a link on a comparison table. Obviously, if this product's
primary listing is hidden with "Hide this listing" and it is only shown in a comparison table, then buyers will not be able to see it on a single page alone.
This prevents sub-products from being shown when they do not really need to be seen individually and buying them from the comparison table is suffice.